Rights of Way
WHAT IS A BRIDLEWAY? Also download PDF information sheet What is a Bridleway which will tell you more. A bridleway is a path or track along which there exists a right to ride a horse. Bridleways are recorded on a "Definitive Map", BUT not all bridleways are correctly recorded on the Definitive Map. Many of the recorded (definitive) bridleways either do not lead anywhere or lead onto an undesignated path/track or designated footpath. Also many of the paths and tracks, freely ridden for decades, are not recorded as definitive bridleways. WHAT IS A RIGHT OF WAY? It is a path that has been historically used as a highway (by foot, horse, or vehicle). Many have never been recorded on the definitive map. You may also view all Rights of Way and Roads network on Cornwall Council's interactive map https://map.cornwall.gov.uk/website/ccmap?layerName=Public%20Rights%20of%20Way:Road%20network WHAT IS THE DEFINITIVE MAP? A definitive map is a map prepared by a surveying authority which is a legal record of the public's rights of way in one of four categories (footpath, bridleway, restricted byway or byway open to all traffic). Also
See Guide
to Definitive Map by Natural England WHAT IS A DEFINITIVE BRIDLEWAY? A path on which rights exist on horse and on foot and which has been put on the 'Definitive Map' held by the County Council. Rights of way on the Definitive Map are (in theory) directly protected by law. Cyclists may also use a bridleway. However many of the definitive bridleways either do not lead anywhere or lead onto an undesignated path/track or a definitive footpath. WHAT IS A DEFINITIVE FOOTPATH? A path on which rights have been recorded for use on foot and which has been put on the 'Definitive Map' held by the Highways Authority (Cornwall Council. The fact that a path is recorded as footpath DOES NOT mean that higher rights DO NOT exist (albeit unrecorded) for horse riders to use the way WHAT IS A DEFINITIVE BYWAY? A path on which rights exist on horse and on foot and by motor vehicle and which has been put on the 'Definitive Map' held by Cornwall Council and directly protected by law. There is also now a new class of Byway a "Restricted Byway" which may be used by horse drawn carriages but not motor vhehicles. UNRECORDED RIGHTS OF WAY: A path on which rights of access exist but which have not been recorded onto the Definitive Map. Such paths may not be recorded on the definitive map at all, or may be only recorded as a public footpath despite there being rights of access for horses. Such
paths can be added to the Definitive Map - See
Path Orders -
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