Archived News for news since 2012 - see Latest News (in reverse order)
November 2012 - YourNews feature is released on this site. It enables us to provide you with much more local news. FURTHER you can add news from your area and there is a Forum area for discussion etc. Click YourNews
2012 - BHS Access Cornwall serves notice on Cornwall Council over obstructions
and surface on a bridileway in Cardinham that was renovated by the Council
earlier in the year.
See Full Details
July 2012 We have leant that the Forestry Commission has now suspended issuing permits for its forests in the southwest, including Cardinham. All horse riders may ride the forests (where allowed) without permits until such time as a formal decision is made on the future policy for ridden access to the forests.
July 2012 The Independent Panel on Forestry.has presented its report. The panel recognises that the quality of access to the public forest estate is unrivalled and that this should be secured for the nation for the long term. This appears to be good news if the government takes note and follows it through.
May 2012
- May
2012 -DEFRA has at long last published its proposals for improvements to
the policy and legal framework for public rights of way,in line with the
recomendations of the Stake Holder Working Group of which the BHS was a
Proposals and Consultation
May 2012 - Details of this this £2M scheme have now been announced by DEFRA provides. The schem provides grants for new bridleways. However the scheme does require cooperation from landowners in dedicating routes. Further details here
February 2012 - Planning Applications for large single wind turbines cause concern - See Turbines
February 2012 - Despite strong objections Plans Passed
November 2011 - Chancellor announces new £2m Paths for Communities grant scheme under which new paths carrying rights for equestrians, walkers and cyclists will be created.
November 2011 - Plan for Waste Transfer Facility threatens only safe trail crossing of the A30 near Redruth
August 2011 - Membership of the BHS for the Souithwest Region has reached 10,000. This region is the first region nationally to achieve this goal.
July 2011 - Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries, has made a statement urging all local authorities to allow horse riders to use cycle trails, routes and any other ways where it is in their power to do so.
July 2011 Forestry Panel want views.
February 2011 - Government abandons Foresry Sell-off Plans and establishes an "Independent Forestry Panel"
January 2011 - Government starts formal consultation about the proposed sell off of the forests.
October 2010 - Government announces plans to sell off the forest raising many fears about futire access for equestrians
20 April 2010 - A new Bridleway is lost. Two officers of the Ramblers Associationhave lost us a new Bridleway and caused an unnecessary Public Inquiry, at great expense to Cornwall Council. Details
5 March 2010 - The BHS campaigning on various important issue is continuing on Coastal Access, Forestry Access, Horse Tax and Cycleways.
1 March 2010 - Bodmin Moor Access - The Roughtor Notice board has been amended in advance of a new board being prepared. There is nothing further to report. Bodmin Moor Update
12 November 2009 - UK Marine and Coastal Act 2009 gained Royal Assent - see Coastal Access
7 November 2009 - New Look BHS Access Cornwall Website Launched
4 November 2009 - The Roughtor Notice board is being amended by Cornwall Council removing reference to a permit scheme. See Bodmin Update
22 September 2009 - The BHS has received a tremendous response to its survey of the views of horse riders about the moor and all its users. BHS has had liaison with the Chairman of Bodmin Moor Commons Landowners. No permit scheme currently in operation.
31 August - BHS Access Cornwall launch Bodmin Moor Permit Questionnaire
11 August 2009 - Forestry Permits Consultation
11 August 2009- Further Update on Bodmin Moor
27 July 2009 - Update on Bodmin Moor
24 July 2009 - Great Flat Lode Carpark Barrier discussed at Mineral Tramways Partnership Meeting Details.
10 and 17 July 2009 - Further Updates on BodminMoor
May 2009 - Discovery of Threatened Imposition of Permit Scheme for Riding on Bodmin Moor
April 2009 - Cornwall Council Highways - Trial of Non-Slip Surface on St Ives Drainage Grids - Details
April 2009 The County Council becomes a Unitary Authority - Renamed "Cornwall Council"
April 2009 The Staker Holder Working Group has now held three meetings looking at the way forward subsequent to the failure of the Discovering Lost Ways Project.
March 2009 County Council Paths Improvement Programme draws to a close Paths Improvement Program
February 2009 BHS Continues its fight for Coastal Access - Coastal Access Further Update
January 2009 EDEN ABANDONS ITS PLANS FOR THE WIND TURBINE after fierce opposition from all.
22 November - Coastal Access Update - Lobby Your MP
21 November 2009 - Another Bridleway LOST!
19 November 2009 - Proposed Eden
15 October 2009 - Full Launch of Online Interactive Riding Maps
18 July 2008 - Initial launch of Ordnance Survey based riding maps on this website.
15 July 2008 - Following the failure and demise of the Discovering Lost ways Project, Natural England has announced the membership of a new Stakeholder Working Group on Unrecorded Rights of Way. Mark Weston BHS Director of Access, Safety and Welfare is a memeber of this Group
15 July 2008 - still awaiting action from the County Council on Great Flat Lode Parking Barriers.
15 July 2008 - still awaiting action from the County Council on New Drains in St Ives
7 July 2008 - New Bridleway through Tehidy Park from East to West is now open. Obstruction at golf tee at eastern end has been removed.
11 and 20 May 2008: Great Flat Lode - Visiting Horses Barred - Full Story
7 May 2008 - Lobby Your MP and anyone else to get more off road
7 May 2008 - New Drains in St Ives - Stops Access for Horses - Full Story
6 May 2008 - Goss Moor Trails - IMPORTANT SAFETY UPDATE see Goss Moor
20 February 2008 - Natural England proposing to SCRAP the Discovering Lost Ways Project, See - Lost Ways
16 February 2008 - Results from the Web Questionnaire Available - Click Survey Results
1 February 2008 - We understand that the thin sharp bollards where the horse trail passes under the old iron bridge on Goss Moor have been changed - we have not seen this ourselves yet. We have as yet, no information about the other safety issues that we have raised. See Goss Moor.
10 December 2007 - COASTAL ACCESS - DEFRA Publishes Consultation Results
15 November - BHSACCESSCORNWALL receives an Award -
5 November
- Details of
Horse Trail
27 October - Report on New Trail Bridge at Carnon Downs - See Coast to Coast Trail
20 October 2007 - BHS LAUNCH ACCESS FIGHTING FUND - Please Visit
15 October 2007 - At Witney Magistrates Court on Monday 15th October the Judge allowed BMW’s application to stop up a right of way which had existed for 2,000 years without any requirement for an alternative route to be provided for horses. Pedestrians and cyclists, on the other hand, will have an alternative route provided for them.
3 October 2007 - GOSS Moor - New Trails are being used - PICTURES See Goss Moor.
1 October - Latest information on County Councils Paths Improvement Programme - See PPIP
18 September - We have had a very good response to our rider questionnaire - results so far here very soon.
September ACCESS
PETITION - PLEASE do sign the petition asking the Government
to give us a better say in all new access and rights of way legislation.
These petitions can be very effective so please do take the time to sign
13 September COASTAL ACCESS The formal consultation by Natural England has ended - BUT now is the time for to lobby your MP so that we are not ignored - See Coastal Access
July 2007 - GOSS Moor - We are able to tell you the latest updated plans for the trail along the old A30. See Goss Moor.
June 29 2007 - The BHS is urging all horse riders to contact there local M and ask for there support in expanding the coastal access plans to include all access for all non-motorised users. See Coastal Access
June 2007 - New Web Site Feature - Grid reference of every bridleway now shown together with easy reporting - AND now with MAPPING! - Bridleway Reports.
May 2007 - The County Council have published the Draft Countryside Access Strategy for Cornwall (incoporating Rights of WAy Improvement Plan) - It may down loaded from
Please do read it carefully. We have contributed and worked hard to get a good deal for horse riders, but getting firm commitments has been very hard. However definitive map problems, anomalies, and omissions have been recognised. These are the issues that are of great importance to riders.
You do have the opportunity to comment on the plan before the final version is agreed and published.
2007 DO PLEASE SIGN the online Downing Street Petition for better bridleways
7 March 2007 - Mingoose to Chapel Porth - BRIDLEWAY. - GREAT NEWS - Following the Public Inquiry the Inspector the inspector has CONFIRMED the Modification Order to upgrade the FP from Mingoose to Chapel Porth (nr. St Agnes). The order is confirmed subect to some modification regarding widths. This upgrade has taken a total of 18 years to achieve. Credit goes to Mid-Cornwall Bridleways Association. The first attempt failed, this attempt has succeeded by using evidence of use from 1937 to 1957. This judgement also highlights some useful principles of law for future judgements. The National Trust will shortly bemoving the kissing gate from the Path.
1 March 2007 - Goss Moor Equine Trail Udate